Uncovering Hidden Value: How Patent Infringement Analysis Improves Patent Valuation


Uncovering Hidden Value: How Patent Infringement Analysis Improves Patent Valuation

Patents are valuable assets in the competitive realm of intellectual property, providing legal protection for innovations and ensuring a competitive advantage in the market. However, the genuine usefulness of a patent frequently extends beyond its initial issuance. Patent infringement analysis, a thorough method for determining whether a patent is being used without authorization, can greatly increase the value of these intellectual rights. Let's look at how this approach might reveal hidden value in patents, supported by examples:

1. Identification of Unauthorized Use
One of the key advantages of patent infringement analysis is that it detects unauthorized use. Patent holders can take legal action to recover damages or arrange license agreements if they discover instances in which other businesses are exploiting the protected technology without permission.


Consider a technology company with a patent for a novel battery technology used in electric cars (EVs). Following a thorough infringement examination, the corporation discovers that a competitor has incorporated the patented technology into its new line of EVs. This result enables the patent holder to file a lawsuit or negotiate a license agreement, converting possible losses into substantial profits.

2. Increasing Negotiation Power
When negotiating licensing or cooperation agreements, having tangible evidence of infringement might help the patent holder's position. This proof establishes the patent's practical utility and desirability, which justifies higher license costs or better terms.


A pharmaceutical corporation holds a patent for a ground-breaking medication formulation. During a discussion with a generic medication manufacturer, the patent holder submits evidence from an infringement investigation indicating that the producer has previously produced a similar formulation. This proof increases the patent holder's bargaining power, allowing them to negotiate a profitable license agreement.

3. Improving the value of patent portfolios
A thorough infringement investigation can boost the total patent valuation. By demonstrating that patents are not only inventive but also enforceable and actively monitored, the portfolio becomes more appealing to investors and potential buyers.


A tech firm with an AI patent portfolio conducts an infringement study and discovers multiple instances of prominent companies using its copyrighted techniques without a license. This discovery demonstrates the practical applicability and enforcement of its patents, improving investor confidence and perhaps increasing the company's market value.

4. Strategic business decisions
Understanding the locations and methods of patent infringement can guide strategic business decisions. Based on the insights generated by infringement analysis, companies can decide to enter new markets, shift their R&D focus, or change their business strategies.


An agricultural biotech corporation owns patents for genetically modified crop technologies. Infringement studies uncover substantial unauthorized use of their technologies in specific international marketplaces. Armed with this information, the company decides to expand its activities into these locations, either through local alliances or by legal action, to gain market entrance, thereby increasing their market presence and revenue sources.

5. Litigation and Settlement Results
Infringement analysis is critical in litigation and settlement procedures. Patent holders can improve their chances of success in court or settlement discussions.


A software company discovers, through infringement research, that a competitor is using its patented data encryption technique. They file a lawsuit and provide thorough evidence of infringement. Their strong argument, reinforced by an extensive investigation, results in a significant settlement that includes monetary compensation and a future licensing arrangement.

Patent infringement analysis is a strong instrument that can dramatically increase the value of patents. Companies can realize the full potential of their intellectual property by identifying unlawful usage, strengthening negotiation positions, increasing the value of patent portfolios, influencing strategic decisions, and enhancing litigation outcomes. Einfolge Technologies excels in patent infringement analysis, leveraging its extensive expertise to provide comprehensive assessments that help clients navigate the complexities of intellectual property.

Source- https://www.einfolge.com/blog/uncovering-hidden-value-how-patent-infringement-analysis-improves-patent-valuation

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