Only a proper written specification will avoid unnecessary troubles at the examination stage and will get you the desired patent protection.
Before getting started with the specification drafting, it is good to capture the issues raised by existing arts and what we are going to bring as a solution to those issues by our proposed invention.
After identifying the main focus area, the underlying words or terminology representing the main focus area of the proposed invention can be determined and finalized.
Generally, the specification is focussed on the embodiments or technicalities of the invention. However, at times the clients may want the specification to provide a holistic view of the proposed invention along with due importance given to the presentation and guidelines. Hence, while drafting the specification, it is a good practice to provide embodiments and technicalities of the invention along with the holistic view of the invention.
Few points to remember in various sections
Background Section:
The draft must start with the definition of the key terms used in the specification.
The draft must start with the definition of the key terms used in the specification.
The core idea or concept of the proposed invention can be explained with examples.
The section must explain in detail about the issues to be resolved in the existing prior-art.
The challenges that exist in the state of the art are explained and the need for the proposed core idea or concept must be justified.
Summary Section:
Must summarize the method of implementing the proposed invention.
Detail Description Section:
Flow-chart explanation starts with a system that enables the method to perform the required objective.
Explanation of the method must be oriented towards a single entity required to achieve the objective of the proposed invention.
Claim Section:
The claim language and terminologies must be consistent with the detailed description section language and terminologies.
The preamble of the claim must include the important features required for achieving an objective of the proposed invention.
The preamble must focus on the objective of the invention. For example, the preamble can be focused on facilitating action by performing an activity related to the main concept of the invention.
Drawings Section:
Following drawings are included and are required for a patent application:
Flow-chart — Explaining the process of implementing the proposed inventive method using the system. For example, the flow-chart can explain the process of facilitating action by performing an activity related to the main concept of the invention.
System components diagram Description section explains in detail about implementing the proposed invention by using the system components.
For an application-oriented invention, application screen-shots are included in the drawings section The application screen-shots describes about using the application for implementing the proposed invention.
As we see there are certain guidelines to be followed in writing a good patent specification. It is always suggested to use expert advice to do so. We at Einfolge is a top patent companies in India, always update ourselves with the latest guidelines for the specification of various patent offices.
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