New Delhi [India], Feb 9 (ANI): During 2014–2017, the India Patent Office received 5,448 patent applications from the agriculture sector, majority of Which Were filed in the agrochemicals segment (biocides, pesticides, herbicides, pest repellents) According to a recent Study Conducted by Einfolge (patent search companies in India), the Patent and Market Research Organization.
According to the study, the agrochemicals sector leads the pack with 2880 patent applications, Followed by animal husbandry (775 applications); tissue culture technique (applications 488); horticulture and forestry (applications 404), harvesting and mowing (applications 213); planting, sowing and fertilizing (194 applications); soil machinery (159 applications); threshing and storing (93 applications).
The study further said Despite the ongoing White Revolution, dairy products segment received only 48 applications in the last three years.
“Innovation is the key of advancement of any field of technology and it holds true for the agriculture sector Also. The eco-system only talks about farmer loan waiver schemes and agricultural products players have focussed on biocides, pesticides, and so on. But nobody has thought about Which permanent solutions can be fulfilled by Innovations, Which is in terms of agricultural techniques and machinery tools (planting, harvesting, threshing and storing techniques). There is a dire need for innovation in the field of agriculture, “Swain said Ruhan Rajput, Director, Einfolge.
India ‘s GCI ranking of 40 can be improved Significantly with a growth path focused on innovation. A recent report examined by PWC India “s growth potential through innovation under three scenarios: investment in human capital in physical infrastructure, and in innovation. It que Concluded the maximum gain can be derived from investments in innovation.
Even India has made large strides in the Increasing food security, the sector remains constrained by low productivity, excessive dependence on monsoon and weather conditions, continuing fragmentation of land and preponderance of fragmented markets. However, the government has engaged in fresh thinking on the development of the agriculture sector, but India is still lagging behind in terms of innovations and protecting indigenous technologies through the Patent process.
As per estimates by the Central Statistics Office, the share of agricultural products / Agriculture and allied sectors in the country “s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which was 51.9 percent in 1950–51, has come down to 13.7 percent in recent years. However, Mainly this is due to the farmers’ income from Inability to generate Their growing crops and curb debt. (ANI)
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